WWW::Hashbang::Pastebin(3) NAME WWW::Hashbang::Pastebin - command line pastebin SYNOPSIS $ (hostname ; uptime) | curl -F 'p=<-' http://p.hashbang.ca http://p.hashbang.ca/f4s2 $ xdg-open http://p.hashbang.ca/f4s2+#l2 DESCRIPTION This pastebin has no user interface -- use "curl" or WWW::Hashbang::Pastebin::Client's "p" command to POST paste content. Your paste's ID is returned in the "X-Pastebin-ID" header; the URL in the "X-Pastebin-URL", as well as the response content. Append a plus sign to the URL to get line numbers. Add an anchor like "#l1" to jump to the given line number, or click the line number you want. The line number for the selected line will be highlighted. EXAMPLES · dmesg | curl -F 'p=<-' http://p.hashbang.ca · curl -F p=@/var/log/syslog http://p.hashbang.ca SEE ALSO · http://sprunge.us · http://p.defau.lt perl v5.34.1 WWW::Hashbang::Pastebin(3)